Information, Resource and Referral Services
- Regional Centers for CYSHCN (0-21 years) Wisconsin has five Regional Centers dedicated to supporting families with children and youth with special health care needs and the providers who serve them. The Centers are staffed by specialists who can help get answers, find services and connect you to community resources. Their services are free and private.
- Wisconsin First Step Information and referral hotline for children and adolescents age birth to age 21 with special needs.
- Aging and Disability Resource Centers (18+ years)
- Family Voices of Wisconsin Family Voices of Wisconsin is a statewide network of families of children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities and those who work on their behalf. We support families through education, training and leadership opportunities so that families can be effective and informed navigators of their child’s system of care. Family Voices of Wisconsin also works to inform and educate health care providers, local, state and national policy makers and administrators about issues that affect children and youth with special health care needs.
- WI Family Center for Education, Training and Support (WI FACETS) Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support, Inc. (WI FACETS) is a nonprofit organization serving Wisconsin children and adults with disabilities, their families and those who support them.
- Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin ASSEW’s mission is to support people with autism spectrum disorders, their families, professionals, and others, by sharing information, supporting research, providing networking opportunities and promoting awareness through education and training.
- Navigating Autism was created in February of 2009 as a central place where the families of those recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders can come for unbiased information in easily-understandable terms about treatment options, school expectations, Wisconsin insurance mandates, funding opportunities for uncovered treatments, and more.
Service Coordinators and teams
- Wisconsin’s Birth to 3 is Wisconsin’s early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.
- The Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program is a Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) Waiver that provides Medicaid funding for children who have substantial limitations in their daily activities and need support to remain in their home or community
Family to Family Supports and Resources
- Children under the age of 22 with a disability and meets CLTS criteria may be eligible to be Children’s Community Options Program
- Parent to Parent of Wisconsin provides one-on-one support to parents of children with special needs through their parent matching program.
- Family Voices of Wisconsin (health focus, training, advocacy, parent leadership)
- WI FACETS (education focus, advocacy, parent leadership)
- Wisconsin Family Ties
- Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative
- Autism Society of Wisconsin (education, advocacy, children and youth activities)
- There are many other condition-specific organizations that can help you connect with other parents including cerebral palsy, down syndrome, epilepsy, etc.
- There are also many support groups—some specific to autism and other more generally for CYSHCN.
- Contact your Regional Center for CYSHCN and they can help you find what you are looking for.
Respite Care might be available from UCP, Respite Care Wisconsin, and/or Easter Seals and you might be able to utilize money for the Children’s Long-Term Support waiver .
Legal Assistance – if you might have questions around guardianship, health benefits and your rights.
Summer Camps and Sibshops – contact your Regional Center, Autism Society Chapter, Easter Seals or utilize your local resources.
Don’t forget—family, friends and neighbors can be your strongest support!
Learning/Training Opportunities – you can check out the Training section of the Connections Website.